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Notice Of Storage Termination


Date: [Date of notice]

[First Name of person being notified] [Last Name of person being notified]
[Title of person being notified]
[Company of person being notified]
[Address of person being notified]
[City of person being notified], [State of person being notified]
[Zip Code of person being notified]

Dear [Mr./Mrs.] [Last Name of person being notified]:


You are hereby notified that the storage agreement terminates on [Date of termination], with respect to the goods covered by our warehouse receipt no. [Receipt number], issued on [Date of issue], which goods consist of the following: [Description of goods].

All charges must be paid and the goods removed from our premises at [address] no later than [Date to remove property].

This demand for removal and payment of charges is made pursuant to [Citation of local enactment of UCC $ 7-206]. If the goods are not removed on or before [Date of removal], and all charges relating thereto paid in full, we shall proceed, under the authority of [Citation of local enactment of UCC $ 7-210], to sell the goods.

[Signature of warehouseman or authorized agent]